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Orders & Returns

Change or cancel an order

If you wish to change or cancel an order contact our Customer Service team on 0844 844 4300 any time between 8.30am and 6pm – Monday to Friday. Please have the order number and date the order was placed to hand.

If your products have already been delivered, then you will need to follow our returns procedure below.

Your purchase history

When you are logged in, you can check your purchase history by clicking the My Profile link at the top of the page on the My Account tab. Here you will find a list of any current or previous orders you have placed. You can check the status and the full details of your orders here.

How to return goods

We hope you will be pleased with your purchase. Should you wish to return an item (excluding kitchen equipment, please see returning kitchen equipment, below), we will be happy to refund in full or exchange, if it is in full resaleable condition. Returns should be made within reasonable time (usually 30 days) and in original undamaged packaging.

Should goods be delivered faulty, incorrect or damaged, please report to us immediately and confirm in writing within 3 days of delivery.

When you are logged in, you can returns goods by clicking the Returns link at the top of the page on the My Account tab.

Please note that there may be a collection charge for any items returned.

In both instances, please call our customer helpline on 0844 844 4300 to obtain details on how to return your product.